
We are a small team of talented professionals with a wide range of skills and experience. We love what we do, and we do it with passion. We look forward to working with you.

Address: Philosophy Building 128 & Wangkezhen Building 1603, Peking University


陈立翰 Dr. Lihan Chen

Associate Professor, Ph.D

陈立翰,北京大学心理与认知科学学院副教授(2015-至今),工学学士(1999年,浙江大学),教育学硕士(2005年,浙江大学),哲学博士(2010年,慕尼黑大学)。脑与认知科学系副系主任(2019-现在),中国心理学会会员,中国心理学会工程心理学专业委员会委员(2016-现在),国际多感觉通道研究论坛科学委员会委员(2016-现在),中国认知科学学会认知建模专业委员会副主任委员(2021-2025),中国人类工效学会复杂系统人因与工效学分会委员(2021-2025),中国电子工业标准化技术协会用户体验标准工作委员会专家委员(2022-现在)。《Perception》编委(2021-2024),《Frontiers in Virtual Reality》编委 (2019-现在)。Perception/i-Perception 期刊编委(2021-2024)。承担并完成中国大百科全书心理卷(第三版) 普通心理学《知觉》条目的撰写。为《心理学报》、《心理科学》,《中国科学》,《心理科学进展》,《应用心理学》等国内核心期刊,以及国际期刊Attention Perception & Psychophysics, Cognition, Cerebral Cortex, Cortex, Frontiers in Psychology, Fundamental Research, Journal of Experimental Psychology: HPP, Journal of Vision, NeuroImage, Neuroscience, Perception, Scientific Reports, Somatosensory & Motor Research, IEEE Transactions on haptics, Multisensory Research, Vision Research, 国际智能机器人和系统会议(Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2019)等期刊和会议论文审稿。作为客座编辑,主编心理学前沿《Frontiers in Psychology》关于“Sub-and supra-second timing: brain, learning and development”的主题期刊。2015年世界触觉大会-触觉科学(Haptic Science, IEEE World Haptics Conference)副主编。作为组织者之一,承办第17届国际多感觉通道研究论坛会议(2016年6月,IMRF2016)。2022年亚洲触觉大会(AsiaHaptics)出版主席。研究方向为多感觉注意和认知神经科学。 主要研究手段为心理物理学、虚拟现实、脑电和脑磁图、眼动记录以及计算建模等。

研究领域: 跨感觉通道信息整合、认知神经科学

研究兴趣: 多感觉通道时间知觉;跨感觉通道刺激编码和特征联合;触觉知觉;工程心理学与人因学   



(2) 逼近真实环境的多感觉通道信息整合和神经人因学评估。研究特定工作情境下人的认知绩效、感知增强和认知训练(康复)等方面的认知神经科学与神经人因工程问题。




  1. 科技创新2030-脑科学与类脑研究重大项目(2021ZD0202600),《多感觉整合的神经机制》,2021.12-2026.1,课题负责人。
  2. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目- 中德跨学科重大合作研究项目(62061136001),《跨模态学习的自适应、预测和交互》,2020.1-2023.12,子课题负责人。
  3. 企业横向,《用户心理创新体验人因研究项目》,2022.6-2023.9,主持。
  4. 唐仲英基金会资助项目,《校园屏幕组学与时间银行构建》,2022.3-2024.12,主持。

Dr. Lihan Chen did his doctoral research at Zhejiang University from 2006 to 2007 and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich) from September 2007 to August 2009, and received his doctorate in philosophy from LMU Munich. From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology (now School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences) at Peking University. From September 2011 to July 2015, he worked as a lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Peking University. He became an associate professor in the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences at Peking University in July 2015.

His research interests are:

  1. Ventriloquism
  2. Multisensory time perception
  3. Crossmodal attention
  4. Crossmodal correspondence
  5. Audio-visual integration
  6. Tactile perception
  7. Olfactory perception
  8. Ergonomics

Address: Philosophy Building 128, Peking University 哲学楼128

Phone: +86 (0)10 62760057



We have post-doc vacancies. If you are interested in such a position, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Prof. Dr. Lihan Chen for further information.


Ph.D candidates/students

娄春淼 Chunmiao Lou

Ph.D candidate (enrolled in 2020)


Enumeration refers to counting objects in a given set and is of great significance to human survival and civilization. This remarkable ability has developed ever since the very beginning of one’s life, reflecting a pressing need of exploiting number sense to accommodate the environment. Our study mainly explores the neural mechanisms of magnitude representation from a cross-modality perspective.

梁坤 Kun Liang

Ph.D candidate (enrolled in 2020)


Kun Liang graduated from Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University in 2018 with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Food Science and Technology) and a Bachelor’s degree in Art (English Language and Literature). Later, he went to Wageningen University & Research (the Netherlands) with the support of the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Nuffic (the Netherlands). He received a Master’s degree in Science (Sensory Science) in 2020. During the Ph.D period, his research interests are olfactory localization, olfactory encoding, integration among olfactory and other sensory modalities, etc.


曾桓珂 Huanke Zeng

Ph.D student (enrolled in 2022)


  1. 视觉和听觉信息的感觉整合
  2. 时间知觉:动作-感觉连接中时间关系的知觉与学习;时间期望

Research interest:

  1. Audiovisual integration
  2. Time perception: time perception and learning in a sensorimotor context; temporal expectation


候晓媛 Xiaoyuan Hou

Ph.D student (enrolled in 2023)


Xiaoyuan Hou received her Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from School of Basic Medical Science, Central South University in 2020, and graduated from School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering, Beihang University in 2023 with a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. During the Ph.D period, her research interests include visual perception, deep learning neural network, multi-sensory information integration, etc.

袁溥骏 Pujun Yuan

Ph.D student (enrolled in 2023)

His research interests lie in auditory-visual integration, tactile-visual integration, perceptual learning, computational modeling, and how multisensory experience affects other cognitive functions, such as learning and memory.


Personal interests: badminton, detective films and stories, CS:GO (now maybe CS2), any new things!


Master students

徐侨 Qiao Xu

Master student (enrolled in 2021)


Qiao Xun used to participate in LEGO robot teaching project, football robot competition and once worked in the 200 Plant of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. He has experience in UAV, PLC, MCU, etc.

贺子瑜 Ziyu He

Master student (enrolled in 2023)


Ziyu He graduated from the School of International Economics and Trade, University of International Business and Economics, with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics in 2022; She enrolled as a Master’s student at School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences in 2023.

郭瑤 Yao Guo

Master student (enrolled in 2023)


Yao Guo graduated from the School of Computer Science (National Pilot Software Engineering School), University of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering in 2023; She enrolled as a Master’s student at School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences in 2023.

张乾乾 Qianqian Zhang

Master student (enrolled in 2023)

本科毕业于北京外国语大学英语学院,获文学学士学位,现就职于GE healthcare任项目经理;2023级心理学院硕士生。

Zhang Qianqian graduated from School of English, Beijing Foreign Studies University, with Bachelor’s degree of Art, currently serving as PM in GE Healthcare. She enrolled as a Master’s student at School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences in 2023.





玉尔麦提江•伊里提孜(Hömet Yiltiz): 2010级心理系本科生,纽约大学视觉神经科学博士。

温凯 (Kai Wen):2013级心理系本科生,现就职于华为。

蒲玥(Yue Pu):2015级心理系本科生, 2019级北京大学心理学院博士生。

郭露(Lu Guo):中科院声学所联合培养博士生(2015-2019),现就职于华为。

万英琦(Yingqi Wan):2016级硕士生。

王琼宇(Qiongyu Wang):2017级硕士生,现就职于粉笔教育。

李宝林(Baolin Li):合作博士后(2017-2019),现任职陕西师范大学心理学院副教授。

冯树元(Shuyuan Feng):合作培养博士生(2015-2020),现任职中南大学外国语学院副教授。

余年年(Niannian Yu):2020年北大物理学院本科毕业,现北京大学教育学院研究生。

倪行健(Xingjian Ni):2016级心理学院本科生,现印第安纳大学伯明顿分校人机交互深造。

田玥(Yue Tian):2014级心理系本科生,2018级硕士生,现就职于北京十一学校。

金莹晓(Yingxiao Jin):2018级硕士生,现就职于好未来。

刘一儒(Yiru Liu):2018级硕士生,现就职于北京大学人事部。

雷潇(Xiao Lei):2017级博士生。

宫文潇(Wenxiao Gong):2020-2022年博士后,现任职于北京联合大学。

王武(Wu Wang):2020-2022年博士后,现任职于空军特色医学中心。

刘彦韬(Yantao Liu):2016级心理学院本科生,2020级硕士生,现就职于荣耀终端。

史天正:2019级心理学院本科生,现University of Waterloo深造。

岳师孟:2019级心理学院本科生,现Radbout University (Donders Institute)深造。